Insurance For Women Men, Would You Be Interested If I Formed An Insurance Company Where Men And Women Start Out Paying The SAME?

Men, would you be interested if I formed an insurance company where men and women start out paying the SAME? - insurance for women

I think it is sexist to believe, because I have a penis, that means automatically that I go into more accidents. I do not care if women have statistically fewer accidents, there are always exceptions to the rule, and I know a man who has 23 years no accidents since he got his license at 16, but still pay more for Cheap Insurance her sister, aged 21 years, the event of an accident the blame. I think it is unfair and want to create an insurance company in the world pays the same at the beginning, when you get into an accident, your insurance will increase. Or will fail because women believe it is fair to pay men more than they really are not sexist to say? I wonder if they would pay more if it were otherwise. So women, you have a question for everyone else: If women are statistically more prone to accidents, you would be willing to pay more?


hermitof... said...

I might be interested, but the price was really good way to overcome what I pay now

Miss Meli said...

Statistics show that men worse than women are not even going to say that everyone has something that no woman ever. Remember.

In addition, statistically? Women are more prone to accidents and men are more prone to speed up .. For example, studies were received. But accidents of women? Many small and lateral sliding of a car, a number of transactions, or support someone trash. Men tended to drive more like crazy and cause an accident that the three-digit rise in claims! Why? They have broken the speed around 75 mph in a 30 and almost all other cars.

Yes, you will find a way to create the insurance company. Losing panties her first year of activity against creditors so ridiculously high that I could never afford. The rest of the industry would like to have your entitlement for the pay, and then raise the insurance in the world.

D.L. said...

It may be sexist to some, but statistics show it is .. However, if an insurance company in the world the same pay, would it be like living in an imaginary country that will never happen .. Having a penis is not the reason for high prices is because men are statistically the worst drivers, and I think it is for men aged 16-21, more accidents, tickets. Why ask why friends and etc, etc. Women are just as bad, but does not seem so bad, is not easy to be taken.

zanilth1... said...

Well, not quite bother me all that I have to pay is what I have to pay. However, I know that the majority were women, the fault in accidents than men.

zanilth1... said...

Well, not quite bother me all that I have to pay is what I have to pay. However, I know that the majority were women, the fault in accidents than men.

Cowboy Bill said...

They have started 10 million investment fund to an insurance company?

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